I never loved the soldier
until there was a war
Or thought about tomorrow
’til my baby hit the floor
I only talk to God when somebody’s about to die
I Never cherished Freedom
Freedom never cries.— Freedom Never Cries
“Do you think that because I am poor, obscure, plain and little, I am heartless and soulless? You think wrong!
And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should make it as hard for you to leave me, as it now is to leave you….it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal….as we are! “
so…謝謝Mo的幫忙 \(`3` /),終於看到《簡愛》的1970年電影版…hehehe…雖說我想找的是1996年版的。
《簡愛》一直都是我最愛的小說之一,哈,簡直是女孩必讀的愛情經典。當年好像是母親大人在電影出租店借了1996版的VHS回來(記憶中都是一大堆女性文 學改編電影),也拉了當年只得十多歲的我一起看。中學時代,圖書館中的那本《簡愛》吋半厚原文書借了又借,重看再重看(在中七時去台灣竟然看到PLHKS圖書館林鬱出版社的版本,可恨當時沒有搬回來,好作個回憶)。