Final Fantasy XI, I Draw

FFXI fanbook announced – Job Chaaange!

書名︰Final Fantasy XI 同人本 – Job Chaaange!
Title: Final Fantasy XI Fanbook – Job Chaaange!

language: Chinese + English

Size/page/printing: A5 / 18 page / colour

定價︰HKD35元正 (連寄往香港本地運費),CNY(人民幣)40元正 (連寄往中國大陸運費),TWD(新台幣) 200 (連寄往台灣運費)
prize: 7.5 USD dollar (global shipping included)

內容︰Final Fantasy XI獨家同人誌第三彈﹗為慶祝遊戲踏入第七年,決定來一個職業裝備CG巡禮~(心),還有笑有淚有莫古的comic essay,盡道Vana’diel大陸冒險最難忘的回憶~
Content: To celebrate the 7th anniversary of FFXI, it’s a fanbook with 10 of the job AFs, plus a page of comic for each illustration. Book full of silly jokes, tarutarus and more tarutarus, sharing some or my fun momments adventuring in Vana’diel.

登場職業: 青/召/赤/獸/黑/傀/戰/海賊/龍/詩
Jobs featured in the book: BLU/SMN/RDM/BST/BLM/PUP/WAR/COR/DRG/BRD

and there’ll be a second book for sure

Notes 注意事項

1) I ship the the book to anywhere in the world, but I may request an extra charge if the shipping fee + book exceeds 7.5 USD.

基本上我會將本子寄往任何地方,如果書本+郵費超過7.5 USD你需要額外再付。

2)Everyone who purchase the book will obtain one A6 size postcard for free (please refer to the bottom part of the above image, postcard named A to I), and pay $1 USD each for extra ones. Please state your postcard of choice in the note or email.

每購買一本書都會免費得到一張名信片(上圖中底部份的名信片預覽,A 到 I ),額外每張$1USD  / $7HKD / $6 人民幣 / $30 新台幣,請在電郵中留下你想要的名信片。

3) And each postcard is imited in stock, first come first serve, or I’ll assign another free postcard to you if it’s out of stock. (I’ll inform you before posting, so you can choose another postcard you want.)


4) The best payment method is PAYPAL (, basically if you have a credit card you can get an a/c for free. I don’t really encourage you posting me the money, but you can if you insist to.

我接受Paypal付款 (,基本上如果你有信用卡的話可以免費申請一個a/c。我不鼓勵郵寄寄費用…但有必要的話也沒所謂。

I want to buy the book! 我想要買書~

Tell me the number of copy you want, and the postcard you desire to this email (lurazeda(a), or note to lurazeda on


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  • Chiasuka April 6, 2009 at 9:24 am

    2) (email hide by administrator)

    麻煩karla了~ ^^

  • 枝~* April 6, 2009 at 10:55 am

    小卡姐~~那天我去了CM 的貴州團呢!! 麻煩留一本給我 (省了25HKD 入場費 XDDD)

  • karla April 6, 2009 at 11:54 am

    收到 ww

  • karla April 6, 2009 at 11:54 am

    ^^ no problem~

  • 天野鈴風 April 6, 2009 at 5:38 pm

    不過也麻煩小卡給我留一本~~ ccc

  • Maiev April 11, 2009 at 1:23 am


    Me arm arm see your website, and you take preorder woh… can I preorder from u too ma?

    But I live overseas, duk ng duk ship overseas too? :D tyty!

  • karla April 12, 2009 at 11:55 am

    Yes I’ll ship the book to anywhere in the world. Please refer to this page regarding international purchase:

  • Aundair June 16, 2009 at 4:03 am

    /Wave. Its your friend Aundair from the unicorn server! I got two of your books last year and I loved them! thank you for the great artwork of myself on the back cover ^^ I love the idea of your new fanbook and Ill send you an e-mail with my information.

  • karla June 16, 2009 at 3:21 pm

    Nice to see you again Aundair, and thanks for your support on my FFXI art /hugs

    I’m looking forward to your email~

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