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Life in CM

Final Year Project – To Go Beyond

“” I think I should cry over her death, but I just can’t”
“I still thank her for everything she gave me…”

(04/05/08) 附加︰
這是我在去年四月畢業作品Final Presentation上的講稿。呃,please simply ignore all the typo and grammatical mistakes,因為這是一個匆匆而寫下的稿子。阿頭Mike在Present後的答問環節問我「Do you hug with your mum often?」我想也沒想就答︰「No, but I hold her hand very often」我當下有點後悔為什麼我會寫了個這樣的故事給這條動畫,不過想深一層--對,我就是那種很難將自己內在的感情向別人啟齒的人--我就是這樣的 人,也沒什麼辦法啊,但有一樣東西我確實地傳達了出去,就是我在CM這幾年的動畫作品都傾向帶點淡淡的哀愁,且保守十足,某程度算是有了個風格,而FYP就是一個完整總結。這部動畫是我畫風中的一個重要的 轉捩點,我重新審視什麼樣的用色可以述說出內在的我,也令到我這年的畫都偏向了這些色調了。我有點討厭這樣,但到目前仍然對此無能為力。

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Life in CM

First presentation on my FYP

Some information of the Animation

Format: Narrative / 2D Animation

Music used: Either self composing with keyboard or using a commercial one, before I am clear about the permission of using licensed music as educational purpose.

Duration : 3-4 mins

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